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Glympse PRO Terminology and Key Definitions

Glympse PRO has quite a few terms that may be unfamiliar to you when you are first starting out. In this article, you will become more familiar with each of these terms. 

Dashboard Tool Tips

Today’s Active Orders – Orders with an appointment start date on or before today

Today’s Completed/Canceled Orders – Orders completed or canceled today

Feedback (in “Dashboard”) – Customer feedback. 5-star rating system

Late Time (within the dashboard tab) – The driver/technician arrived after the promised time

Appointment Tool Tips

Glympse # – Internal Glympse ID used for support requests

Order # – Customer’s identifier for Delivery/Appointment

Technician – Name of the driver/technician assigned to the delivery/appointment

Description – Non-customer-facing field to give details about delivery/appointment

Destination – Appointment/delivery address

Status – Current status of delivery/appointment

Promised Time – Expected time of arrival/delivery

Time on Site – The amount of time between the arrival time and the completed time

Late – If “No,” arrived time is >= appointment start time. Otherwise, it displays the amount of time between the appointment start time and the arrival time

Bulk Upload – Users can upload numerous orders quickly. Download our example CSV for the best formatting.

“Add Appointment” Tool Tips

Arrival Window – Allows the user to specify a promised arrival time window

Promised Time – Promised arrival time

Use Latitude and Longitude – Replaces address search. Used when the destination is not connected to an actual address (e.g. a specific area of land in an orchard)

Order ID – Optional. This can be your own order/invoice/appointment number

Address – Customer’s address

Customer Name – Name of the customer for this order

Customer Phone Number(s) (2 possible entries) – Phone number(s) that will be used for text notifications for this order

Customer Email(s) (2 possible entries) – Email address that will be used for notifications for this order

Technician Tool Tips

ID – Unique number identifier for technician.driver

Name – Name of the technician/driver

Phone – Phone number of technician/driver

Email – Email of the technician/driver


Admin – Full access to Glympse PRO Portal and App. There can only be one admin per organization.

Manager – Same as Admin, but not allowed to edit Admin users

Agent – Technicians/drivers – access to the PRO App

Read more about roles by reading our article “User Roles Explained“.

Customize Tool Tips


  • Agent Label – Select between “Driver” and “Technician” in your system and customer communications
  • Task Label – Select between “Delivery” and “Appointment” in your system and customer communications.

Colors – Set the primary and secondary colors for the link sent to customers. Use Preview to see the result.

Proof of Delivery – Allows technician or driver to capture your customer’s signature or take and add a photo before completing a job/delivery

  • Capture Type – Signature Capture allows you to get a signature from the customer upon job completion. Photo Capture allows your driver/technician to take an image of work done upon job completion.

Revert customization – Reverting to previous changes will only revert to the most recent change/save made. Reverting to default customization will set all changes back to Glympse PRO default.

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