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Home / FAQ / Glympse PRO / Orders Tab / How can I upload multiple jobs/orders with the “Bulk Upload” tool in Glympse PRO?

How can I upload multiple jobs/orders with the “Bulk Upload” tool in Glympse PRO?

1. Login into Glympse PRO

2. In the navigation menu, click on “Orders”

3. Navigate to the “Upload Orders” button

4. Drag and drop a file in the upload box or click on the upload box and select a file

To ensure the file will be accepted by Glympse PRO, download our “Example CSV” for correct formatting

5. When you have the correct file selected, select “Upload Files”

6. When Glympse PRO is finished compiling the data, your uploaded file will appear in the box at the bottom of the page

7. If there are no problems with the file, the status will be marked as “Done” and denoted with a green box

8. If there is a problem with the file, the status will be marked as “Skipped”

Bulk uploading is a great way to upload several orders and assign technicians quickly. Follow our example CSV template file closely to prevent errors. If there are errors that need to be fixed, Glympse PRO will notify you by changing the status to “Skipped” and denoted with a Screen_Shot_2022-09-01_at_10.53.57_AM.png box. Open the upload and our software will identify the issue.

NOTE: When an error occurs, all other orders in the upload that were not denoted as an error will be uploaded normally to Glympse PRO. Fix all of the other orders with errors and re-upload the file.

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